How to Grow and Care for Mammoth Elephant Ears

Elephant Ear

Mammoth elephant ears are a plant used by many individuals to decorate the landscape of their property. They have a tendency to grow at least a few feet tall in the best conditions, making them a great choice for background plants that can really get the attention of passersby. Some people consider them relatively easy to care for, but if you’ve never really considered yourself good with plants, the very idea of planting something and keeping it alive for any length of time can seem quite overwhelming. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be as difficult as it seems. As a matter of fact, there are several things that you can do to increase the chances of planting mammoth elephant ears that grow and thrive for a long period of time. The key is to do your research, plant them in the proper locations and use the proper techniques when both planting and caring for them. Fortunately, all of those steps will be discussed herein. Even if you’ve never cared for a plant successfully in the past, it might be time to try again, using this as a guide to do exactly that.

The Basics of Planting Mammoth Elephant Ears

The first thing you want to do is select the right location for this particular plant. Mammoth elephant ears don’t do particularly well in full sun, especially in areas where the temperature routinely sees 90 degrees Fahrenheit. As a result, you should take care to plant them in an area that gets a decent amount of shade every day, especially during the hottest parts of the day. This will help the plant thrive and keep the leaves from burning. It’s also important to use a container when you plant them as opposed to planting them directly into the ground. You’ll have to choose a container that’s large enough to accommodate a plant of this size, so decide on the location that you want and then move the container into that location before you start the planting process. In addition, it’s really best if you have the container sitting in an area where it can drain properly, such as a bed of rocks. That means that you also have to choose a container that has a decent-size drainage hole. Of course, it’s imperative to use a combination of natural dirt and potting soil with fertilizer. If you decide to simply dig up some natural dirt from a remote area of your property and place it in the container, make sure that you turn the soil over before you do so. It’s still a good idea to add some fertilizer, but be sure to read the instructions and have the proper amount according to the product you’re using. Last but certainly not least, it’s time to plant this particular item. Ideally, you want to dig a hole that’s anywhere from 6 inches to 10 inches deep and at least two feet wide. After that, you can place the plant in the hole and then replace the dirt back around it, but not so tight that the roots aren’t capable of taking hold. It’s best to water this plant immediately, being sure to give it enough water to help support it but not so much that you practically drown it in the process.

The Growth Process

Some people become frustrated and think that the plants aren’t going to grow because mammoth elephant ears take some time to start growing. In reality, it can take anywhere from three weeks to as long as two months before you start to see any appreciable growth. That can get some people frustrated because they think that it’s simply not going to grow and they stop taking care of it. The key here is to keep caring for the plant on schedule until you finally start to see some progress. It’s also worth noting that if you live in a climate that’s a little bit warmer, you’re likely to see your plant start growing faster than you would if you’re in a cooler climate. Mammoth elephant ears are fairly unique in the sense that they respond well to warm weather, up to a point. However, they can also struggle in direct sunlight, especially if the temperatures are extreme, as previously mentioned. They tend to do best in areas where springtime temperatures are in the mid-to-upper 70s and even perhaps into the low 80s. If you live in a climate that is much warmer than that, it’s very important to plant them in full shade so they don’t become overwhelmed by the heat.

Caring for Your New Plant

One thing that a lot of people miss is an opportunity to help the plant take root immediately after they finish planting. It involves watering the plant with warm water until the soil is visibly damp. This is critically important for a number of reasons, not the least of which involves the fact that it reduces the amount of shock experienced by the plant, thereby increasing the chances that the roots will eventually take hold so your plant will grow. If you’re wondering how often you should water it, it’s best to do so as frequently as necessary in order to keep the soil moist. If you live in a very warm climate with a lot of sunshine, that’s probably going to mean that you have to water the plant daily. It’s also best to fertilize it on a monthly basis. Therefore, it’s a good idea to set up some type of reminder on your smartphone or something similar so you don’t forget that it needs to be fertilized every 30 days. The truly great thing about mammoth elephant ears is that once the roots take hold, they tend to do very well, even in relatively harsh climates. As long as you water them properly, give them fertilizer and protect them from full sun, you really shouldn’t have any problems. As a matter of fact, many people consider them to be one of the easier plants to grow, even for those who have limited experience.

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