How to Grow and Take Care of Acoma Crape Myrtle

Crepe Myrtle

The Acoma Crape Myrtle is a compact-size tree that enhances the appearance of any landscape with its lush foliage and gorgeous blooms. It’s a tree that is not difficult to care for but there are a few things that are important to know about its growing requirements. We offer a short guide that tells you everything you need to know about this beautiful landscaping tree to grow a healthy and vibrant addition to your lovely landscape.

What is the Acoma Crape Myrtle?

Gardening Know How explains that the Acoma crepe myrtle is easy to maintain as it doesn’t grow tall. It is hardy through USDA zones 7b through 9 for outdoor planting. The tree is not difficult to establish. The most challenging time is nurturing the tree until it sets down a solid root system and becomes firmly established. From this point forward, it’s simple to maintain by following the recommended regimen for care.

Basics of the Acoma Crape Myrtle

The Spruce reports that the Acoma crape myrtle is a hybrid tree in the family Lagerstroemia. It grows wild as a native of Australia and parts of Asia. It grows to a maximum height between ten to fifteen feet. It is a tree but has the appearance of a shrub. During its growth cycle, the Acoma crape myrtle grows between one to two feet taller per year until it reaches its maximum height. This tree can grow to a width between two to ten feet, again, depending on how you prune its growth.

Where to plant the Acoma crape myrtle tree

You must choose a place where the tree can reach its full height without being topped. One of the peculiarities about an Acoma crape myrtle is that it cannot be topped without killing the tree. If there are up to 15 feet available without interfering with utility lines, it can be planted in areas with most soil types as this tree is not particular. You should choose a spot that gets plenty of direct sunlight. The Acoma crape myrtle tree thrives in full or partial sun for at least six hours per day. Avoid planting in shady spots that do not get the required daily amount of sun or it could cause failures in blossoming.

Soil type and fertilizer

The Acoma crape myrtle tree is a forgiving plant that can live in most soil types, but for the best results, it thrives in soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH level. The soil must be well-draining to prevent the roots from becoming compacted, or from retaining too much moisture, or root rot from excessive moisture. For the best results during the blooming season, you should fertilize the Acoma crape myrtle tree. They require ample amounts of nitrogen to cause the plant to produce blooms. The best time to apply fertilizer is the beginning of the growing season after a rainstorm or you can water the plant after fertilizing. The best fertilizer formulas for this plant are a 10-10-`10 or an 8-8-8 mix. It’s best to follow directions on the package of the fertilizer mix to avoid overfertilizing. Just the right amount will encourage blossoms but too much will cause an overgrowth of foliage with few blooms.

How to water the Acoma crape myrtle

Raya Garden recommends watering the tree regularly and deeply once per week in mild climates. If you live in a hot climate, water twice per week. It’s only necessary for the first two years. After this tree is established it is drought resistant. It thrives in the heat and the sun, even in hot climates. it also tolerates humidity well, but it can survive in temperatures that drop to zero degrees Fahrenheit.

Most common issues with Acoma crepe myrtle

The most common problems experienced when growing Acoma crape myrtles are powdery mildew and pests such as Japanese beetle, whitefly, and aphids. These are the pests and issues to which they are most susceptible. Keep an eye out for signs of infestations. If these become a problem, you can treat the trees to rid them of these pests or hire a professional. It’s best to catch them early before the pests cause damage. Some growers have no problems with these issues. We note it as a potential problem. Overall, the Acoma crepe myrtle is a hardy tree resistant to most pests.

How to propagate the Acoma crape myrtle

The Acoma crape myrtle is a hybrid that you can propagate from cuttings. Use a pair of sanitized clean shears to take 8-inch hardwood cuttings from the tree once it has gone dormant, late in the fall. You can also take softwood cuttings in spring or summer. They should contain several nodes with a length of six inches. Plant the cutting in a pot with good drainage and high-quality potting soil. The cutting should stick out of the soil line by one inch. Keep the soil moist and keep the cutting in a spot that gets daily sun. It takes about a month for softwood cuttings to put on new growth. Hardwood cuttings can take a few months. You may plant outdoors during the growing season after the cuttings take root and put on new growth. Keep the new plant watered regularly and give it plenty of sunlight until firmly established.

Does the Acoma crepe myrtle require pruning?

You do not need to prune the Acoma crepe myrtle, but you can prune it lightly during the dormant season if you choose. Be sure not to prune the top as it will kill the tree. You may shape the tree by pruning or cutting away the lower branches to reveal the lovely trunk of the tree. It’s best to limit pruning this tree or not prune it at all for the best results. Pruning can cause damage and it can attract aphids and cause power mildew to spread from the suckers.

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