A List of Companion Plants for Red Twig Dogwood
When it comes to gardens, one Chinese proverb states that whoever plants one, plants happiness. Then again, they say that happiness is an inside job, so maybe we should go with Rumi’s belief that beauty surrounds us, but we have to walk in a garden to acknowledge it. Usually, the beauty of a garden is best described by the colors of the plants in it. Red twig dogwood is the epitome of beauty because of the changing colors depending on the season. In summer and spring, the green stems turn bright red. In autumn, the cream-white flowers bloom in spring, and the berries also change from green to white upon ripening by the end of summer. Still, you can complement such magnificence by adding more plants to your garden. We have compiled a list of companion plants for red twig dogwood, and you can pick the ones that appeal to you the most. According to Hunker, some of the best plants you can plant in your garden to accompany red twig dogwoods include:
1. Red Maple
As the name suggests, red maple trees have bright red foliage best seen in autumn. However, even in the other seasons, the red color is ever-present. In winter, red flower buds form and bloom into red flowers. Once the flowers fade, red-colored fruits replace them. Red maple trees do well in a damp location though you can irrigate if you cannot find a naturally moist area. They thrive in acidic soil and should be planted in a fully sun-lit area or partly-shaded part of the garden. Such requirements make the red maple trees the best companions for red twig dogwood, which also needs the same growth conditions. When buying red maple trees to plant in your garden, it is advisable to get those plants you can already see the red foliage. Also, ensure that the trees are not grafted since the weak points make your plant susceptible to breakage. Finally, avoid using a lawnmower around the area you have planted your red maple trees because the roots grow near the surface and if they are exposed, a lawnmower will damage them.
2. Red Oak
Planting red oak trees in your garden increases vibrancy to your property. If you are an animal lover, squirrels will have the time of their lives enjoying a great climb. The tree’s leaves lend color to your garden in the summer when they change from dark green to a slightly pale hue as the summer ends. In the fall, the foliage turns from deep red to bright red. During winter, the buds are reddish-brown. Like the red twig dogwood trees, red oak trees grow best in 6 hours of direct sunlight. They thrive in acidic soil. When planted, red oak require a lot of moisture, so water regularly and ensure the soil is soaked up to 2 feet deep. Once the roots are established, the soil should remain moist because, according to Chicago Tribune, overwatering can kill even the mightiest oak tree.
3. Bald Cypress
Bald cypress gets its name from shedding its leaves early in the fall. Although the trees are mainly found in areas with moving water, such as streams and rivers, you can still have them in your garden if you provide the ideal growing conditions. Bald cypress requires a large area because despite their slow maturity, once fully grown, they are mighty. A mature bald cypress can grow up to 120 feet tall, and its diameter can measure at least six feet. They can live up to 600 years when taken care of properly. One of the ways of caring for the tree is to plant it in a location with full sun and in acidic soil with good drainage. Bald cypress can prevent soil erosion by soaking up excess moisture and offers an ideal breeding ground for reptiles.
4. Ruby Spice
According to SFGuide, Ruby Spice is among the cultivars that grow in hardiness zones 4 to 8. It requires partial sunlight daily for at least six hours, but you can expose it to more if you are interested in denser foliage. Too much direct sunlight without a steady moisture supply will result in the plant losing its leaves or dieback, a disease characterized by the progressive death of shoots, roots, twigs, and branches beginning from the tips. You can ensure steady moisture by placing a thick mulch layer of up to 4 inches deep. The plant does well in acidic soil, so if your garden has alkaline soil, you can adjust the pH by adding some elemental sulfur. Planting Ruby Spice shrubs is a good investment to a bee farmer because the fragrant pink flowers attract honeybees.
5. Daylily
Gardeners describes daylilies as a sure bet among perennials because the plants can survive in zones 3 to 9. Additionally, they barely require any attention for them to bloom, can tolerate different soil conditions, and also are not affected by pests and diseases. Their flowers come in many colors ranging from white to reddish-purple, with gold and yellow being the predominant colors. Therefore, as a companion to red twig dogwood, you can have different species to add a touch of color to your garden. Daylilies are highly adaptable because even if they prefer slightly acidic soil, they can still do well in a wide range of soil pH. However, they need lots of nutrition, so pump your soil with organic matter and plant your trees where they can receive at least six hours of sun, preferably the morning sun. You should provide some shade if you live in a hot climate; otherwise, the flowers will not retain the vibrant colors. Although you will rarely deal with pests and diseases, you may encounter some since you are accompanying it with other plants. Fortunately, an all-purpose insecticide eliminates the problem.