20 Different Types of Sink Styles to Consider
Upon doing the research for this article, I was amazed at the number of possibilities of sink styles that are possible and actually make a real difference both in the appearance and function of what many people see as an ordinary home fixture. After reading this list you may want to consider doing some remodeling so that you are able to fit another sink into your home. If you have resigned yourself to the fact that owning your own home is no longer a realistic possibility, this list may definitely change your mind. Check out some of the applied ideas here [https://nimvo.com/kitchen-sink-styles-and-ideas/]
Now let’s move forward and look at the possibilities that can change the way you live and view the sinks in your home.
There are two rooms that we will visit – the bathroom and the kitchen. Only one of the sink styles has the same name for both bathroom and kitchen. But this is important since you will have difficulty finding a kitchen style sink to match a bathroom and vice-versa. The bathroom styles will be discussed first because the bathroom is generally much smaller than the kitchen and you will have a fewer number of practical choices to deal with.
1. Undermount
This is trending as one of the most popular choices because it presents a seamless appearance to users. However, these are most often used with bathrooms that have marble countertops, so if you have a lesser material it is unlikely you will have this choice available. As a low maintenance sink, it is very easy to clean.
2. Self-rimming
This style is the easiest to install and if it needs replacing it can be lifted out just as easily. It is usually made of porcelain, so as a common sink material you will not have much of a problem with maintenance. The unit has a rim that tends beyond the opening of the hole, where it rests on the countertop. This might be an option if your countertop has suffered some minor damage.
3. Pedestal
One of the sinks that is commonly seen in older homes and buildings, the pedestal sink simply sits on a pedestal extending to the floor. It is a solid choice for bathrooms that are smallish and need all the space that is available. The specific styles can range from basic to elegant, depending on the type of bathroom you have that complements the decor.
4. Console
Like the Pedestal style, if you are stressed for bathroom space, this is a good choice. The sink is supported much like a table, with its two front metal legs supporting the front of the sink, with the back being supported by the bathroom wall. There is plenty of space underneath to use for various and sundry items.
5. Vessel
Moving into less traditional and more aesthetic territory, the vessel sink is simply a basin that sits prominently on top of the counter. It can appear to not be a sink at all, and is definitely not recommended for homes where the bathroom sink is one of the more heavily trafficked areas of the home. It is best suited for bathrooms that have a clear and clean countertop, where the uniqueness of the style is able to shine its brightest. From a practical viewpoint, there are better alternatives on this list.
6. Vanity
If you have a bathroom where pipes extend out from the wall and need to be hidden, the Vanity style will be your choice. It actually is a piece of cabinetry that can serve as a storage space for other items you want to go unseen. One of the major disadvantages is it often becomes a place to collect clutter and junk, which is why you see it in many homes.
7. Wall mounted
Some people feel uncomfortable with a wall mounted sink, even though it frees up room directly under this sink for everyday items such as towels as well as providing a small storage area if desired. The problem is that you have to be comfortable with the look, since the only thing holding up the wall mounted style is the bathroom wall. Also, you are not likely to have a lot of counter space to work with surrounding the sink.
8. Single bowl
Moving to the kitchen, the single bowl sink is the most common found in smaller homes and apartments. They are definite space savers, but not very practical as the lone kitchen sink in a house of four people. They are often made of stainless steel and have a deep basin. The depth is necessary to make up for the smallish dimensions of the overall sink.
9. Cast iron
Similar to the Single Bowl in many ways, cast iron sinks are treated with a porcelain coating to give them a glossy white surface. That makes this style very versatile, but the weight of the sink needs to be seriously considered. Even though it is a top mounted style, not every countertop will be able to support its weight. Also, the material itself can be hard on your finer dinnerware due to its very hard surface.
10. Fireclay
Slightly heavier than cast iron, the main advantage of Fireclay is its resistance to scratching and staining. However, this benefit comes at a more expensive price. You have the same consideration when it comes to weight as with the cast iron style, but the composite clay and glaze fusion material makes it less likely to cause any damage to your dinnerware.
11. Stainless steel
Did you know that stainless steel sinks can come in different thicknesses? Well they can, and by choosing this style of sink you greatly increase your versatility of design. You can install a single or double bowl model, and depending on your needs you can get a heavier type of material that will offer you heat and scratch resistance. One of the overlooked characteristics of stainless steel sinks is they are noisier than other styles, so if you are a person who prefers quiet you need to consider other styles.
12. Granite composite
On the other side of the sound spectrum is the granite composite sink that actually has sound absorbing qualities to it. But it is heavier than stainless steel, so once again the type of countertop you have is critical here. If you are looking for a style that presents a more contemporary appearance, definitely look into this one.
13. Drop-in
The name of the style of this sink clearly states how its installation takes place – you simply “drop” it in to the hole in your kitchen countertop. Some people caulk around the edges but that gives it an unnatural look. The only downside is that food and other debris can get jammed in along the edges, potentially requiring somewhat more maintenance than most of the other sinks on the list.
14. Drainboard
This is a logical extension of the more conventional double basin style. One of the basins includes a drainboard. People who cook a lot or use more water than they would like will find this style environmentally friendly. Your dishes can be left to drain after washing, thereby reducing the amount of water you use. If you live in a state where water rates are high, this style may actually pay for itself over time.
15. Kitchen Island
This style and the next are what can be considered specialty sinks. A popular trend in using kitchen space is to create a kitchen island. An obvious problem is that it is too far away from the traditional water sources. The Kitchen Island style solves this problem nicely. They are versatile because you can use them either to prepare meals on or include them in your overall workflow when entertaining. Generally they will be made of stainless steel which can be an inexpensive solution to the extra sink, but there is likely to be an added expense for extending the plumbing to create the water supply.
16. Bar
The second of the specialty styles is the Bar sink. Unless you regularly entertain people, you will not have a good reason to have this type of sink in your home. As the name of the style states, it is used in or near a home bar. If you don’t have one or plan to have one, pass on this style. But if you do have a bar then this style can make entertaining much easier by having a designated space where you can mix drinks and not get lost to guests in a kitchen area.
17. Undermount
The only duplicate name in the list, the kitchen undermount sink has the same basic characteristics as the bathroom undermount. The two kitchen sink materials that are not likely to be compatible with this style are cast iron and fireclay because of their weight.
18. Corner
We close with the first of two sink styles that can have significant problems with installation. These problems can cost you money but also may make this style of kitchen sink impractical for your home. Because the corner style needs to fit into the corner space of the wall, a carpenter may have to come in to make the necessary cuts for installation to be possible. Also, because the two basins are divided, there might be additional costs for a plumber. That said, if the project is done right you will have some extra counter space that can prove valuable.
19. Farmhouse
The people who are most likely to choose the Farmhouse style are those with families or people who love the farmhouse type of design. The catch comes in when you will likely to have to sacrifice a sizeable amount of your current kitchen counter, as cuts will need to be made to make the style work. You will need a large kitchen for the aesthetics of the style to fit in with the rest of the kitchen environment.
20. Copper
Copper sinks require the right kitchen setting and the right countertop color. A problem with the color of a copper sink is it may change over time, leaving you wondering whether you made the right decision. On the upside it is a very low maintenance style of sink. If you want to move away from the shiny, smooth surfaces most standard sinks offer, then look into the hammered copper texture.
As you browse through the links provided and see all the possibilities, keep in mind that one of the biggest obstacles in creating your own unique sink space is matching the desired style with the desired material. Also, remember that functionality should be prioritized over aesthetics in most cases; the bar and kitchen island styles may be two exceptions to this rule. If you have room to add additional cabinet space, you may be able to sacrifice some countertop space to get the style you want. Most materials on this list are relatively low maintenance, except where noted. It is recommended you stay with these recommendations, otherwise you could be paying for two new sink installations in a period of just a few years.
One feature that hasn’t been mentioned is the depth of the sinks. Bathroom sinks tend to adhere to a standard depth, while the depth of kitchen sinks can vary greatly based on the specific needs of the homeowner. The deeper the sink, the more space you lose underneath it. There is also the issue of the sink’s drain pipe, so be sure to think things through completely before making any final decision and placing an order.
Finally, there is a cost-benefit to consider before choosing a sink. If you plan to stay in your current home for at least five years, a new sink can be more of an investment than an expense. On the other hand, if you are looking to move soon, you may want to leave things be and let the new owners make their own decisions while saving yourself some money.